Tomo contract missing from CoinMarketCap

Would the Tomo team kindly reach out to CoinMarketCap to have the Tomo contract added on the appropriate page? Please see screenshot attached, only the TOMOB & TOMOE contracts are listed.


Hi D,

TOMO is the TomoChain native token so it doesn’t have a contract. Unlike TOMOB and TOMOE, we issued TOMO token on Binance Chain and Ethereum so they do have contracts.


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Hi Alex, not sure I fully understand the logic?

If we look at USDC as example the CoinMarketCap listing has the Ethereum contract listed in the contracts list.

As a user, it would make sense (to me at least) if the Tomochain contract for $Tomo is also listed on the CMC contract list with TomoB and TomoE — would this be a difficult to do?

As an additional ask, can the Tomo listed TRC-21 USDC coin contract be added to CoinMarketCap contract list for USDC?


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Hi D,

TOMO is the native token of TomoChain network. A native token simply does not have a contract address on its platform. You can check with ETH, EOS, TRON, and so on.

As an additional ask, can the Tomo listed TRC-21 USDC coin contract be added to CoinMarketCap contract list for USDC? > It should be done by USDC team. We can not do it.

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Thanks Alex. Would Tomo team have any plans to connect with Ethereum org to let them know Tomochain has a Tomo wrapped TRC-21 ETH? Just thinking out loud could be part of a broader marketing plan by Tomo to connect with Ethereum org and Circle (USDC), which could prompt those teams to then update CoinMarketCap. Not sure they know the great work Tomo is doing cross listing multiple contracts like BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, etc.

Thanks, have a great weekend,

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Thank you for your suggestion. We will take it into consideration and see what we can do :smiley: Cheers,

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Appreciate it. If there’s anything I can do to help or volunteer, kindly let me know. Happy to work with the team if there’s a role you’d like filled on an outreach initiative.
