VIP #2: Retrodrop Season 1- By The Community, For The Community

VIP #2: Retrodrop Season 1- By The Community, For The Community

1. Abstract

This proposal introduces Retrodrop #1, the first in Viction’s quarterly Retrodrop series, as outlined in VIP #1. The Retrodrop program honors and rewards community members for their invaluable contributions to the growth and success of Viction.

2. Motivation

In the dynamic world of blockchain, one truth stands unwavering: the community is the cornerstone of success. At Viction, this ethos is the driving force behind our initiatives, especially Retrodrop, a program designed to honor and reward those who contribute to our collective growth.

Retrodrop #1 is designed to reward participants such as proposal voters, stakers, governance contributors, and active members of the ecosystem. These groups have been pivotal in shaping Viction’s journey.

For subsequent quarters, eligibility criteria will be adjusted to align with Viction’s evolving strategy.

At its core, The Retrodrop Season 1 strengthens community bonds, fortifies our network, and ensures a sustainable and thriving blockchain.

3. Retrodrop #1 Specifications

3.1 Budget & Snapshot time

  • The budget for Retrodrop #1 is set at 1.25M $VIC, a fixed allocation for each quarter over the next four years, with a total budget of 20M $VIC.
  • Snapshot time: 1/11/2023 (6AM, UTC+7) - 22/09/2024 (6AM, UTC+7)

3.2 Eligible Groups and Rationale

The 1.25M $VIC allocation will reward 3 key groups, each critical to Viction’s ecosystem:

  1. $VIC Stakers: Representing long-term commitment and network stability.
  2. Viction Active Users: Driving adoption and creating a vibrant ecosystem.
  3. Governance Participants: Ensuring decentralized decision-making and protocol integrity.

To ensure fairness, we invite the community to guide the reward allocation process. Below are the proposed models for distribution, along with their rationale:

Option 1: Prioritize $VIC Stakers

  • Allocation:
    • Group 1 (VIC Stakers): 40%
    • Group 2 (Viction Active Users): 30%
    • Group 3 (Governance Participants): 30%
  • Rationale:
    • Promotes network security by incentivizing masternode participation.
    • Reflects long-term belief in and commitment to Viction.
    • Stakers often actively participate in governance, supporting decentralization.

Option 2: Prioritize Viction Network Users

  • Allocation:
    • Group 1 (VIC Stakers): 30%
    • Group 2 (Viction Active Users): 40%
    • Group 3 (Governance Participants): 30%
  • Rationale:
    • Users drive adoption, build trust, and create network effects.
    • Recognizing loyal users fosters a sense of belonging and brand ambassadorship.
    • Incentivizing users cultivates a unique on-chain culture within Viction.

Option 3: Prioritize Governance Participants

  • Allocation:
    • Group 1 (VIC Stakers): 30%
    • Group 2 (Viction Active Users): 30%
    • Group 3 (Governance Participants): 40%
  • Rationale:
    • Governance participants play a vital role in protecting network integrity.
    • Thoughtful governance supports protocol evolution and long-term stability.

Option 4: Equal Allocation for All Groups

  • Allocation:
    • Group 1 (VIC Stakers): 33.33%
    • Group 2 (Viction Active Users): 33.33%
    • Group 3 (Governance Participants): 33.33%
  • Rationale:
    • Promotes a balanced ecosystem by rewarding all contributions equally.
    • Aligns incentives with long-term goals, ensuring diverse groups are equally motivated to contribute.

3.3 Projected Timeline and Next Steps

  • [Dec 16, 2024]: Proposal posted to Governance Forum.
  • [Dec 18, 2024 (20:00 UTC+7)]: Snapshot Voting Page LIVE for the VIP #2.
  • [Dec 18–24, 2024 (22:00 UTC+7)]: Voting time.
  • [TBD]: Viction Retrodrop Season 1 Results Announcement.

3.4. Governance and Voting

To implement this proposal, a 100,000 $VIC quorum is required. The community’s preferred allocation model will be executed, ensuring that RetroDrop #1 reflects collective priorities.

4. Conclusion

Retrodrop stands as one of Viction’s cornerstone initiatives, deeply rooted in the community’s spirit and purpose. Retrodrop #1 also reflects Viction’s steadfast dedication to turning the vision outlined in VIP #1 into reality.

For those who may not find yourself eligible for this round, we truly thank you for your support and trust in Viction in the past. We will accommodate every Viction’s advocate in upcoming Retrodrop seasons. This is just the start, brace yourselves for an exciting wave of innovation and growth from Viction as we step into 2025!


I think voter or maybe council should read

When evaluating the Retrodrop distribution models proposed by Viction, it is important to consider not only the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem, but also the strategic drivers you choose to leverage.

Here are some key points and recommendations:

1. Balance short-term engagement with long-term engagement:

  • Stakers are the ones who provide network security and in this way indirectly participate in supporting the network in the long term.
    By valuing stakers, you emphasize the need for stable infrastructure and regular and active support of the ecosystem.
  • Active users are responsible for the daily use of the network, onboarding new users, and growing the community.
    Innovate them to ensure that the chain you are working on is always moving, engaging, and consistently used.
  • Governance participants direct the progress of the network.
    It would be easier if they were motivated to make decisions, provide centralized democratic governance, and develop the protocol accordingly.

2. Consider a Hybrid Incentive Strategy:

While Option 4 (equal distribution) is egalitarian and seems the most logical, it may not fully reflect your strategic direction.

Conversely, disproportionately rewarding a single party (e.g., stakers or governance participants) will make other parties feel less valued.

Ex: If your business thinking is driving current growth and moving toward medium-term goals, then the allocation to active users should be a bit more.

On the other hand, don’t forget about enthusiastic members and roadmap contributors when making this allocation.

If you are at the forefront of how the network works, then network stability should be your primary goal.

Both stability and community growth should be taken into account.

3. Allocation and Alignment with Organizational Goals:

First, ask yourself - Are you interested in increased security or governance?
You may want to consider increasing the allocation for governance participants.
Do I want to see user growth and market share?
It would be advantageous to be more generous to active users.

However, the first thing you should keep in mind is to ensure the reliability of the network.
Start with stakers.

4. Change gradually over time:

With quarterly Retrodrops being consistent and business strategies changing, try to free yourself from conforming to one model.

Instead, spoil this Retrodrop in a way that feels good enough for you.

In subsequent shares, you can adjust the proportion of capital allocated based on trends observed in your projects, feedback received from the community, and the ongoing needs of the network.

Eliminate your current form of communication or that form of communication in favor of this one.

5. Be transparent and communicate clearly:

Whichever model you choose, be clear about the logic behind that decision.

Explain the value each party is adding and demonstrate how a given distribution connects to your long-term vision.

Ensuring transparency and clarity will lead to continued engagement and morale from all constituents.

In short, for your first Retrodrop, you should adopt a slightly skewed but fair model (e.g. Option 1 or 2 with some minor adjustments) that aligns with your current strategic goals - whether growth, security or governance.

At the same time, however, assure all contributors that the distribution volume will be reviewed and adjusted regularly.

This truly balanced and adaptive approach strengthens Commitment, fosters long-term loyalty, and ensures the healthy transition of Viction.