EscrowDapp | Crypto Escrow Service

Crypto Escrow Service

A web3 tool that acts as a neutral third party between buyer and seller to protect both parties from potential fraudulent actions of the other by using smart contract on blockchain.

:small_blue_diamond:Secure & Trustfull

Open source code, on-chain transactions with verified smart contract; safely store funds


Thanks to EVM compatible blockchains; we are running on Avalanche, BNB Smart Chain, Ethereum, Fantom, Polygon, TomoChain.

:small_blue_diamond:Don’t Trust, Verify

A decentralized escrow would be an independent mechanism that would remove the need for human interaction, or at least cut it down to a minimum. That is main reason why decentralized escrow will be the core part of the future.

:small_blue_diamond:You Are In Control

Advantage of decentralization and smart contract; no governing entity controls your funds, no one can prevent you from withdrawing your funds.

:globe_with_meridians: LINKS

:link: Website
:link: Dapp
:link: Docs
:link: Twitter
:link: Medium
:link: Github
:link: Audit
:link: Whitepaper