Proposal Discussion - EscrowDapp

EscrowDapp ~ Multichain Escrow Service for Web3


We will build a blockchain escrow service acts as a neutral third party between buyer and seller to protect both parties from potential fraudulent actions of the other. On-chain transactions and smart contract that allows 2 transacting parties, a Buyer and Seller, to transact with EscrowDapp. Dapp will run on TomoChain, Ethereum and BNB SmartChain blockchains. The dapp will support ETH, DAI, USDT, USDC, wBTC on Ethereum; TOMO, wBTC on TomoChain; BNB, CAKE, BUSD, USDT on BNB Smart Chain.

How We Will Compete With Others

Our app name will be EscrowDapp and we will use We are pretty sure that this app will be on top of Google searchs when users looking for a blockchain based escrow service. This domain ( has huge potential to rule its competition space.

How It Will Benefit TomoChain Ecosystem

We are going to launch the app on TomoChain, Ethereum and BNB SmartChain. But we will highlight the TOMO coin and TRC20 wBTC with its speed and cheap gas fee features. Also we have plan to issue $ESC token on TomoChain in the future.


• TomoPromoter (Founder):
• Mehmetcan Burak Karaoglan (Developer): Karaoglan (Burak Karaoglan) · GitHub


Short Term:

• Launch landing page.

• Start to code UI & UX & Front End, Back End, Smart Contract.

• Launch EscrowDapp service.


• Consider to support Fantom, Polygon, Avalanche, Cardano networks.

• Consider to issue $ESC token on TomoChain (with discounted service fee feature on EscrowDapp).


• Work with SEO agency to renew the landing page contents and new blog articles for Medium.

• Advertise on crypto related news websites.

• Bounties for early users who use TOMO on dapp, Twitter and Telegram contests to attract new people.

• Partnership attempts with stablecoin manufacturers.

• Keep doing marketing.

Requested Funding: $10,000

• Development: $5,000
• Audit: $4,500
• Marketing: $500

External Funding: No

Detailed PDF Proposal:



Telegram: Telegram: Contact @EsrowDapp_com

Medium: EscrowDapp – Medium

Github: escrowdapp (EscrowDapp) · GitHub

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