TomoPool [Decentralized Staking Service]

TomoPool provides decentralized staking pool service on TomoChain.

Tomo Staking: We run decentralized staking pools on TomoChain. Our pools provide 1.5x higher ROI than standart masternodes.

Pool Launch: You can run staking pool with TomoPool service. You and your community can stake to your own staking pool to enjoy passive income. If you want to launch pool, please follow this link

Pool Promotion: Do you need votes for your staking pool? We promote your pool to ask for votes in our telegram group, twitter & TomoChain communities.




Referral of pool share the pool income but TomoPools provide decentralized ownership between all voters.

High ROI

TomoPool staking pools share 80% of rewards while standart (TomoMaster) masternodes share 50%.

Easy Access

Use TomoWallet > TomoPool or list page to access all pools.

Transfer Stake

You can transfer your staked amount to another wallet owner. Click here to learn more.

Big & Helpful Community

Our community of hundreds of people helps the pools to vote.

:globe_with_meridians: QUICK LINKS

:small_blue_diamond:List of Pools
:small_blue_diamond:How To Stake To Pools
:small_blue_diamond:Comparsion with TomoMaster
:small_blue_diamond:Transfer Stake